Sunday, September 2, 2007

Back In The Saddle Writing Again

I'm back in the saddle writing again as I think I have the accident insurance company going my way now and I have the grandson's getting ready for hunting season but as for my stands I've decided to leave them where they are this year and give it another go in the same place cause I was told by a good ole boy that where I'm hunting is exactly where he has seen a really big buck running to as an escape route when hunting season begins every year and besides that there's plenty of large acorn trees around the section of woods I'll be hunting that my grandson's and I can use as cover with help from my camouflage material and the brush which should be good practice for them on masking their scent. I spent the weekend with my family members who came up from Alabama and drank homemade muscadine wine while playing volleyball and cooking out which was really surprising cause I didn't think I could still get around on the court any more(but I can,and did). So now I've been sitting here at my computer since 6:00p.m. reading post,writing comments and sending e-mails to a few of the group and finding some new sites one of which I've added to my links which some of you may like to check out. His site is at and he writes about his travels to various places trout fishing. He lives in my neighboring town and we are planning either a creek wading fishing trip or a float trip for smallmouth and largemouth bass then possibly try some of the streams around home which I'm told has some pretty good trout fishing in also. Anyway check his site out when you get time and give him a great welcome to our outdoor society group.

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